Rhinecliff Volunteer Fire Co. Centennial Celebration
Date and Time
Saturday Aug 8, 2015
11:00 AM - 11:00 PM EDT
Contact Information
Joe Baer, chairman 845-876-6488
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Rhinecliff, NY. The Rhinecliff Volunteer Fire Company and Rescue Squad has big plans set for Saturday, August 8 to commemorate 100 years of service to the Hamlet of Rhinecliff and its Fire Protective District. The fire company looks forward to sharing a full day of free family fun & outdoor festivities for the hamlet and surrounding communities.
Festivities will begin at 11am at the center of the Hamlet at the Memorial where a Hamlet photo will be taken to mark the event and the importance of all the community members within it. Kids of all ages are encouraged to decorate their bicycles and scooters and join a parade led by Rhinecliff Fire Equipment. The procession will go from the monument to Firemens’ Field located on Valley Way Road where the remainder of the day’s activities will take place. A large tent complete with a dance floor with be set-up for people to relax out of the sun (or rain.)
A variety of children’s games and events suited to different age groups will take place between 11:30 – 2pm. Games activities include both individual and team games, a bounce house and face painting. A Kids Fire Olympics will take place with inventive firematic games such as a water bucket brigade, obstacle course, and tug-o-war, to mention a few. As the sun heats things up from 2pm – 4pm, demos and music will take place. There will be $1 burgers and franks served throughout the day with affordable beverages available until 6pm. A pie baking contest will supplement a plethora of homemade pies made by the Rhinecliff Ladies Auxiliary. Pie contestants should register their entries at the tent by 6:15pm. Judging will commence at 6:30pm after which everyone will be invited to partake.
Beginning at 4pm, a skateboard competition will take place for teenagers presented by The Boardroom of Red Hook. For information, visit www.boardroomskateshop.com.
The day will conclude with a contra-square dance led by caller, Eric Hollman, known for zesty, “spaghetti contras”, as well as family dances. Accompanying him will be the Still the Homegrown Band. Each dance is taught and led by a “caller,” who explains how the dance flows and helps the dancers “walk through” the dance before the music starts. S/he continues “calling” instructions throughout the dance. Dancers of all ages and levels of ability are welcome to join in this everybody-wins team sport.
Says chairman of the event, Joe Baer, “My hope is that this day will help to bring the community and the fire co and rescue squad that protects them closer. Times are changing and who knows how much longer our fire company will truly be local.”
The day’s events will be held at the Rhinecliff Fire Company’s Firemen’s Field located on the corner of Valley Way Rd & Loftus, next to the Old Schoolhouse Condos in Rhinecliff. (Rain or Shine) Visit www.rhineclifffirerescue.org for a detailed and up-to-date schedule of events or call Joe Baer at (845) 876-6488 for more information.