Fraleigh and Rakow, Inc
InsuranceReal Estate
Our insurance offices are open 8:30 to 4:30 Monday - Friday. Real Estate is by appointment.
Driving Directions:
Rhinebeck - 2.2 Miles north of the light in the village.
Millerton is at the intersection of Park Ave and Main St.
Pine Plains is 250 feet South of the light in Pine Plains
About Us
Fraleigh & Rakow is a multi generational locally owned independent insurance and real estate agency. We have a full compliment of of insurance carriers that are able to handle risks of any type. We primarily focus on the needs of small businesses and families. We curate our suite of carriers with the intent of being able to provide the best coverage at the best premium for each clients needs.
We have locations in Rhinebeck, Millerton and Pine Plains. We are licensed in NY, CT, DE, MA and VT.
Remember "Our policy is your protection"